Call 207-619-2293 to schedule an appointment today

Grow your astronomy education with our hands-on projects. Great for building STEM skills (Science Technology Engineering Math)

Our robotic telescope and camera systems capture pictures all night long for your astronomy projects.

Evening session are available in one-hour, or two-hour formats,
and can start as early as 5:30 PM in the Winter, and 9:30 PM in the Summer.

Hundreds of Maine families, students, and Maine vacationers enjoy our special tours, since December 1999

Start off looking through the 12" telescope with your eyes, and then switch to using the digital camera to see far more detail than your eye alone can see.

Gift Certificates are available for the holidays, and birthdays.

Advanced Astronomy Projects available for all ages

Eight Posters available showing various special astronomical projects done at the observatory.

BPO's original website can be found by clicking this link

Explore digital astronomy at Blueberry Pond Observatory.

current night sky over Boston, MA
Sky map by AstroViewer®
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Copyright © 1999-2022 Blueberry Pond Observatory. All rights reserved.